July 27:
Game 1 - First game tonight was a fairly quiet affair, both teams were struggling to score runs, the Brewers were able to outlast the Copper Coulee Casino, 11-4. Brian Stonehouse pitched a fine game, limiting the Casino crew to just 10 hits and 4 runs, unusual for their hard-hitting crew. The Brewers came out swinging, scored 5 in the 1st, 3rd, and 4th, then only 1 after that. Perfect at the plate for the Brewers were Darren Heinz, 3-3 and Glen Ebel, 2-2. Tim Seitz and Todd Toews each had a couple hits for the Foxes. Another week in the books, it's going fast.. July is almost over. Where did the summer go?? Enjoy your Stampede weekend.
Game Report By Jamie White
Game 2 - In tonight's second game, the Astros scored 13 runs on 22 hits to the Pub's 10 runs on 20 hits. Top run producer for the Pub was Todd Kopec with a three run homer in the 5th. The Lutz brothers produced 6 runs for the Astros on three run homers each. The two ageless wonders for the Pub and the Astros, Rod Sommerfeld and Jim Poersch went 2/3 and 1/3 respectively. Gord Deibert and Todd Kopec made fine defensive plays for the Pub. Keith Kleckner and Frank Merkl responded in kind for the Astros. Thanks to the Red Sox for manning the concession and officiating the games tonight.
Game Report By Jim Black
Game 3 - Station Coffee Long Shots were firing on all cylinders last night cruising to a 16-7 win over the Mikes Meats Meateors. Leading the way for the Long Shots were Kieth Kleckner going 3-3, double, 2 singles and 2 RBI's, Grant Mackay 3-4, 2 doubles, single, 2 RBI's, Blair Hennes 3-4, triple, double, single, 4 RBI's, Terry Rattai 3-4, 3 singles, 3 RBI's, Darrell Jesse 3-4, 3 singles, Trent Rasch 2-3, 2 singles, 2 RBI's, Frank Bachmeier 2-3, 2 singles, Mark Porter 2-3, 2 singles. For the Meateors Randy Kambeitz 3-3, 2 doubles, single, RBI, Gregg Martin 3-3, 3 singles 2 RBI's, Ron Stubbs 2-2, 2 singles, walk. Winning pitcher Trent Rasch.
Game Report By Wayne Miller
July 26:
Game 1 - On a Beautiful evening Stewart Optical came away with a hard fought 12-5 win over Logos. Leading the way for the eye guys was Jim Stewart with 2 home runs and a walk with 4 RBI’s.
Two hits belonged to Les Zeller, Kevin Lane, Darrell Bonogofsky including a 2 run long ball, as well as Rob Fischer, Paul Savard and Fred Kelln, who also pitched a good game.
Logos counter attack was lead by Perry Nurse with 3 hard hits, Glenn Kessler also had 3 hits, with two hits each for Larry Rudolph, Greg Scott, Stan Rath and Leon Moch with a home run.
Thanks to the umps and concession helpers. Great burgers tonight.
Game Report By Jim Stewart
Game 2 - A great game tonight, 2nd game of the night, between Redi Recyclers and Juggies TapHouse Brewers. The Brewers prevailed in the end, 17-14, but it was a nail-biter all the way. The sold out crowd got their money's worth in this one. Redi came out firing on all cylinders, and led 13-6 after 4. Then the Brewers woke up and started to pick away at the lead, the Redi boys cooled off a bit. The Brewers held a 17-13 lead going into the bottom of the 7th, and held on for the win. The game was very well-played, virtually zero errors, no walks, and wonderful play by both teams, especially the outfielders, who had to battle a big sun in RF. The winning blow was a 2 run HR by Kasey Valkenburg in the top of the 7th. Al Martens also stroked one in the 1st. Both Kasey and Dale Wood were perfect at the plate for the Brewers. Scott Goldade was 4/4, and Lorne Knodel, Mike Ferre, Jim Larson, Kevin Friesen, and Rod Brusky all had 3 hits for the Recyclers. A very entertaining game by two evenly matched teams. Thanks to the Red Sox for running the show tonight.
Game Report By Jamie White
Game 3 - Timely hitting and a tight defence guided the Morrison Mavericks to a 19 to 6 victory over the Garage Pub.
Chris "Happy" Wandler, Coach Parker and Mike "The Big Hurt '' Sills were all perfect in four trips to the plate. Scooter Schlenker had three RBIs on three hits in as many tries. Winning pitcher, the affable Rod Insko, hit safely twice in three at bats and knocked in three runs to aid his cause.
From his position at second base Vern "Hitman" Herter made the defensive play of the game by ranging far to his right to backhand a ball looping to the outfield.
Statistics for Team Pub were not available but Dave Hammel had four hits in as many at bats.
July 25:
Game 1 - On a warm sunny evening the Station Coffee Long Shots took on the power house Elmer and Harold's and came away with a 11-8 victory. The Long Shots were errorless and put the bats to work with 22 hits. Leading the way 4-4 with a Triple, double, 2 singles and an RBI was Grant Mackay, Blair Hennes 4-4 double, 3 singles 3 RBI's, Wayne Miller 3-3 3 singles, Bruce Stuber 1-1 single, Harold Enslen 3-4 double, 2 singles, 4 RBIs, Darrell Jesse 2-3 ,Miles Mayer 2-4 double, single 2 RBIs. For E+H Kelly Lutz 4-4 4 singles 4 RBI's, Keith Kleckner 3-3 double, 2 singles, walk, Keith Lutz 2-2 HR, single 3 RBIs . Winning pitchers Trent Rasch and Bruce Stuber. Taking the loss Jim Fink.
Game Report by Wayne Miller.
Game 2 - The middle game of the night between the Copper Coulee Casino Silver Foxes and the Sauer RV Storage Lakers was a hard fought battle and well played game by both teams. The Silver Foxes came out on top by a 15-13 score. Highlights for the Foxes were Kerry Buss 3-3 singles and added 5-6 well caught balls in LF/Ken Wou 3-3 singles/Tim Seitz 2-3 with a 2 run homer/Andy Stroh 2-3 with a solo shot/. For the Lakers Gerard Hittel 3-3 with a double/Barry Koch 2-3 with a 3 run homer/Trevor Fauth and Mike Shantz 2-3 with doubles. Winning pitcher Sam Montoya while Gerard Hittel taking the loss.
Game Report By Randy Wuerfel
Game 3 - On a not quite so hot night at Lorne Holden Field the Red Sox bats finally came alive for a 19-9 victory. Darrel Maser went 4-4 with 3 RBIs, Royce Hopkins also went 4-4 with 4 RBIs, Derry Eresman had 3 RBIs, and the rest of the team had strong hitting performances as well as strong defensive play. For the Mavericks Rick Parker had a Homer and Pierre Cote had 2 dingers in a losing cause.
Game Report By Bob Marfleet
July 24:
Game 1 - On a night when the dugouts were a lot hotter than both teams bats it was a good thing that the misters were in service to keep the boys cool. The Lakers jumped out to a big lead, but the Meateors weren’t going to lay down and die. Being down 11-6 with their last three outs, they came on strong to make it close. With the tying run on second base, Lakers shortstop threw out a man at home to end the game. Make the final Sauer RV Storage Lakers 11, Mike’s Meats Meteors 9.
Game Report By Gerald Hittel
Game 2 - On a hot summer night the eye guys were able to come away with a 22-4 victory. I think the heat helped loosen some muscles and we were lucky the Red Sox didn’t have their A game.
Stewart had great contributions from everyone tonight as Les Zeller and Paul Edmundson had four hits each, as well as 3 hits each by Chad Stahl, Kevin Lane including a grand slam, Darrell Bonogofsky including a home run, and Paul Savard. Bob Tetz had two clutch hits. Thank you to our great spares who both played an extra game in this heat Dave Wong and Lorne Knodel who also had 3 hits each. So much appreciated! Fred Bohnet pitched a great game keeping the Red Sox off balance all night except for Don Hallberg and Royce Hopkins who each had two hits. Thanks to the umps and concession guys tonight.
Game Report By Jim Stewart
Game 3 - The Redi Recyclers pounded out 25 hits in defeating the Logo’s Rebels 22-4. Lorne Knodel and Mike Ferre had four hit performances. Jim Larson, Darcy Harty and sub Darrell Maser all had three hits. For the Rebels Larry Rudolph, Garth Stark and Greg Scott had a pair of hits each.
Game Report By Kevin Friesen