September Scramble Teams and Schedule

 September 10 Scramble Information

On Saturday September 10 we held our final scramble. It turned out to be a beautiful day for us to gather and play ball one more time.
As always the meal provided by Lynn and her crew at TLC was very good . I would like to thank the three teams that helped put this on Redi ,Station Coffee and Elmer and Harold’s and last but not least all the wives and girlfriends that helped.
Also would like to thank Randy and his crew of announcer’s and score keepers , Gary, Lutz, Stan, Darlene, Bob, Larry and Truman for donating there time at all four events this year.
I real big thank you to Jim, Harold, Norm and Rick They put in countless hours maintaining and doing whatever needs to be done so we continue to have a first class facility.
Thanks to Rob Kayfish for his great pictures and updating our website regularly.
We have some talented singers and musicians that provide us with great entertainment during these events and we appreciate listening to you.
I would like to thank the executive committee and our President Jim Black he has been an invaluable resource for all of us this year.
Finally a big thanks goes out to you the players that help make this league what it is.

Teams - Captains in Bold


Jim Black

Jim Fink

Jim Poersch

Jim Noon

Jim Dulle

Jim Cooper

Jim Larson

James Phillips

James Bonagofsky

Jamie White

Jake Thomas

Jeff Thompson ©


Brian Stonehouse ©

Keith Bender

Ken Zollner

Keith Kleckner

Ron Stubbs

Dale Deis

Darrell Bonenfant

Mark Porter

Craig Smith

Gord Deibert

Chris Wandler

Phil Marleau


Fred Bohnet

Blaine Lutz

Steve Kakuk

Mike Feere

Tim Seitz

Randy Henderson

Terry Tucker

Ken Wou©

Glen Ebel

Darren Heinz

Doug Roberts

Todd Ammann


Larry Savage

Kerry Buss ©

Walter Pratt

Dave Hammel

Daryl Hubich

Glen Stodolka

Larry Biko

Lorne Knodel

Brian Hoffner

Dale Weisgerber

Brian Christmann

Greg Scott


Perry Nurse

Kelly Martin

Lutz Perschon

Randy Kambeitz

Kenn Kallis © 

Bill Ramage

Larry Rudolph

Randy Wuerfel

Harv Buye

Wayne Miller

Dale Haas

Tim McInnis


Sam Montoya

Cal Mayer

Ken Bachmeier

Ron Jarvis

Leroy Friesen

Blair Hennes

Brent Carson

Darrell Maser ©

Darcy Harty

Roland Schlenker

David Camphor

Gord Moore


Vern Herter

Andy Stroh

John McFee

Al Martens

Grant MacKay © 

Kerry Schentag

Tim Mayer

Jack Simons

Glenn Kessler

Kevin Friesen

Blair Bosch

Bob Marfleet

Andy Christie


Rod Insko

Royce Hopkins

Rod Sommerfeld © 

Deiter Steinke

Gerry Harpell

Frank Merkl

Miles Mayer

Pierre Cote

Kent Strudwick

Chad Stahl

Bob Tetz

Sherwin Lehman


8:00am Black vs Yellow

9:00am Blue vs Grey

10:00am Green vs Orange

11:00am Red vs White

12:00pm Orange vs Red

1:00pm White vs Green

2:00pm Grey vs Black

3:00pm Yellow vs Blue

Second team listed is Home Team

All games 7 innings with 45 minute clock

(Games end in the inning the buzzer goes off)

1 – 1 Count in effect for all games