Field Improvements

Below is a message from Jamie White about all the work that has been done down at the ball field. 

Hopefully most of you guys have noticed the huge improvements that have been made at Lorne Holden
Field in the past few weeks. Namely:

     Tile under all the picnic tables that we sit at after our games. This was a wonderful donation from Sherwin
Lehman and his family, and is a nice, clean improvement to our "rec" area. There were many guys helping
with the grunt work of this installation, as it took a couple days to complete. The helpers (and I know I will miss
someone, sorry) were the Biko brothers, Trent Rasch, Sam Montoya, Dery Eresman, Wayne Miller, and of
course, Sherwin. Thanks to the Lehman family.

     Our cooking grill and propane storage has been manufactured and renovated by Harold Enslen. The grill
works 100% better now, and the propane is stored outside and locked up properly. Harold also hauls all our
water to fill our cistern inside, used for washing dishes. His help and talent with building/fixing/hauling is

     Norm Emann continues to spend countless hours at the park, and you should notice that all the bleachers
have been painted,,, again. He is a tireless worker down there, and you guys should give him a hug..

     And the big one, our concession, which is our main source of revenue, was given a complete renovation by
John Unreiner, and it is fantastic. Clean, bright, new hood fan, the works. John spent hundreds of hours over
the course of a couple weeks to get this done. Rick Parker was also there helping, but I think he was just
getting in the way!! John, this is a wonderful improvement, and we thank you. So, if you guys are hugging
Norm, also hug John. They are both on the Mavericks, and they deserve a big "HELL YA" from all of us.

And thanks to all volunteers. But these few guys have gone above and beyond the call of duty.

I also have a quick note to post from Randy Biko:

     "Regarding  Jamie White’s reply about the numerous hours spent at the park by Norm/ Marliynn Emman, John Unreiner, Sherwin and others, I would  also like to recognize the huge contribution that Jamie makes in the kitchen. Give him a hug sometime. Great job to all!!!"